REMINDER - DAL Running Meeting #18 - SODA-next

Gregory MANTELET gregory.mantelet at
Thu Apr 18 13:53:04 CEST 2024

Dear DAL members,

The slides used by François Bonnarel during this running meeting are now 
available on the Twiki page:

The Etherpad ( is still open, if you 
have additional questions/comments.

Thank you again to all attendees.

I also would like to apologize for the typo in the below /Duration/ 
field. It was a one hour meeting and not a one day (=jour in French) 


On 17/04/2024 14:30, Grégory Mantelet wrote:
> Dear DAL members,
> Here is a reminder for the next DAL running meeting /tomorrow morning/ 
> (18th April 2024 - 5:00 AM UTC) on Zoom (see below).
> See you tomorrow,
> Grégory Mantelet & James Dempsey
> On 27/03/2024 14:47, Grégory Mantelet wrote:
>> Dear DAL members,
>> Here is an announcement for a new DAL Running Meeting.
>> This time, the topic is SODA-next, followed by some other thoughts 
>> about DAP(SIA), DataLink implementation and ProvTAP.
>>     *Date    :* 18^th April 2024
>>     *Time    : *5:00 AM UTC /(7:00 AM CET (Paris), 3:00 PM AEDT
>>     (Canberra), 10:00 PM PDT (Vancouver))/
>>     *Duration:* 1 jour hour
>>     *Location:
>>     *
>>     /*Meeting ID:* 967 2230 7540/
>>     /*Passcode :* FbjtF3/
>> *Etherpad:*
>> Cheers,
>> Grégory Mantelet & James Dempsey
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