vo-dml in votable

Gerard Lemson gerard.lemson at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 17:02:29 CET 2015

Dear all
It would be nice if we could quickly agree how to annotate VOTable elements
with metadata pointing to VO-DMl data models.
In the votable/vo-dml session in Banff we came to a decision to add a new
element to VOTable that would represent this mapping and would take the
place of the utype attributes we had assumed to use for that in the current
mapping document in
The detailed design of this element was still left open and I sent out an
email shortly after the interop in which I made some suggestions, which I
thought I had adequately illustrated with examples of the possible XML
schema snippets. Maybe this was not clear, so I have updated the contents of
It now contains for three possible designs, labeled 4a, 4b and 4c, full
VOTable schemas and three corresponding versions of a VOTable following
these schemas and showing the different ways to annotate the same tables.

is a possible new schema and
an annotated VOTable following that design.

Note that in the three different proposals only the *content* of the
<VODML> elements, as described by the structure of the VODMLAnnotaiton
complexType definition, is different. Their association to PARAM, GROUP,
PARAMref and FIELDref elements is the same.

Please let me know if this is still not clear or comment on the design


On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 5:47 PM, Gerard Lemson <gerard.lemson at gmail.com>

> Dear all
> During the VO-DML-in-VOTable discussion at the last interop we decided to
> go
> with (something like) proposal 4 on the wiki at
> https://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/dm/vo-dml/doc/samples/votab
> le/VOTable_Prop4.xml  Other options can be found in the same folder.
> What we now need is to finalize the design for the XML tag(s) to add to
> VOTable.
> I have created a mockup of an XML schema with a complexType definition
> reflecting the new element.
> The design used in proposal 4 above is represented by proposal 4a in the
> schema. It has attributes for role and actual type, and elements for
> alternative types. Proposals 4b and 4c vary on this theme. All use a
> simpleType definition reflecting the model-prefix+':'+vodml-id pattern used
> to refer to VO-DML elements. See the mapping document for more detailed
> descriptions (taking into account the fact that that document will have to
> be updated with the choice to be made here).
> Note, I am not making statements on whether these two types must be in the
> VOTable targetnamespace. Andreas had some thoughts on this that I hope he
> will send to the list in reply.
> And obviously the final design may differ from these proposals if
> necessary,
> but let's please converge on an acceptable design soon so Omar and I can
> update the mapping document.
> Cheers
> Gerard
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