Juan de Dios Santander Vela jdsant at
Wed Mar 4 02:24:52 PST 2009

El 03/03/2009, a las 13:15, Allan Brighton escribió:

> I'm just adding Plastic support to jskycat (in addition to SAMP) and  
> I was
> wondering if anyone had made any progress on a SAMP/PLASTIC bridge?
> It seems like it could be a problem that you have to choose between  
> the two
> and can't have both at once.

I am trying to build such a bridge, and in my initial development  
there were problems with the class loader when trying to combine both  
PLASTIC and JSAMP, so that I am now working in a two-pieces bridge  
with a common (SAMPish, but not exactly) interchange between the two.

I hope to be back to work on it by the next week...

Juan de Dios Santander Vela
Diplomado en CC. Físicas, Ingeniero en Electrónica
Doctorando en Tecnologías Multimedia
Becario Predoctoral del Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía

Gregorio Marañón: La inteligencia resplandece al contacto con las  
dificultades,  como el fósforo se enciende cuando se frota contra una  
superficie áspera.

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