TDIG at Paris interop

AdaNebot ada.nebot at
Mon May 20 10:55:17 CEST 2019

Dear TDIGers, 

Last week during the Paris IVOA interop we saw lots of interesting things related to Time Domain!  

You can find all the Time Domain related presentations under: <>

And the closing remarks under: <>

Looking forward to seeing you again for yet another productive interop meeting in Groningen,
Ada for the TDIG

A summary of things we saw during the meeting:
+ TIMESYS in VOTable1.4 
   - There are implementations in services: VizieR in beta and GAVO)
   - There are implementations in clients too: Topcat, Stilts, SPLAT
   - VOTable1.4 in validator: votlint 
   - Discussion about the case "refposition=TOPOCENTER” since it is not specific enough for clients to fully exploit it. 
+ Space-Time MOCs: 
   - Coverage in Space and Time of any image collection or catalog containing positions and time
   - Filter catalogs by intersection of Space-Time MOCs 
   - IVOA note is ready (Durand, Fernique, Nebot et al. 2019) <>
   - Proto for tests: <> 
+ VOEvents: 
   - Baptiste is one of the editors of VOEvent. We will work together to take feedback from community into account (FRBs and SSIG cases). 
   - Discussions over how to make VOEvents services and streams discoverable.

A list of things we will keep on working until Groningen: 
+ TimeSeriesDM: 
   - Explore how the current status of the data model is able to describe ZTF-DR1 products (Objects Table, lightcurves, single-epoch images, quality flags)
+ ST-MOC: 
   - Work with data providers to precompute STMOCs: VizieR catalogs and HiPS, and for solar system body ephemeris — work close to SSIG for that. 
   - Ingest in CDS MocServer: => clients can resource by Space-Time. 
   - Create library in python and add to mocpy. 
   - Do we need a standard IVOA 2.0 MOC for SMOC, TMOC and STMOC? 
   - VO registry coverage by STMOC? Work with registry for that. 
+ Work with Semantics to improve discovery and client use of: 
   - VOEvents services and streams (What and where)
   - Time Series as distributed by datalink (data product (sub)type)
   - Get the refposition case of topocenter started for TIMESYS in VOTable1.4

As you can see the week was a busy and productive one! 
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