Fwd: Request for community input on HST follow-up observations of TESS exoplanet discoveries

AdaNebot ada.nebot at astro.unistra.fr
Thu May 16 09:05:06 CEST 2019

Dear TDIG, 

I forward this request for information from the astronomical community 


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Space Telescope Science Institute <stscigeneric at stsci.edu>
> Subject: Request for community input on HST follow-up observations of TESS exoplanet discoveries
> Date: 15 May 2019 at 20:45:30 CEST
> To: "Dr. Ada Nebot" <ada.nebot at astro.unistra.fr>
> Date: May 15, 2019
> In April 2019, following discussion with the Space Telescope Users Committee (STUC), the STScI Director charged the HST-TESS Advisory Committee to advise the STUC and the Director on how HST can best support follow-up observations of TESS exoplanet discoveries. The HST-TESS Advisory Committee is charged with providing guidance on optimal strategies for maximizing the scientific return from HST observations of TESS targets.
> Between May and October 2019 the HST-TESS Advisory Committee will develop a report, including a set of recommendations. The committee solicits input from the broader astronomical community to ensure its deliberations consider all relevant aspects. Therefore, the HST-TESS Advisory Committee is establishing multiple channels of communication between the Committee and the astronomical community. Specifically, input is solicited via white paper submissions, an online anonymous survey, and via in-person meetings at some prominent exoplanet conferences.
> The astronomical community is invited to visit the website of the HST-TESS Advisory Committee for the complete charter of the committee and for further information and updates at https://outerspace.stsci.edu/display/HPR/HST-TESS+Advisory+Committee <https://outerspace.stsci.edu/display/HPR/HST-TESS+Advisory+Committee>.
> With this announcement, the HST-TESS Advisory Committee invites input from the astronomical community on the use of HST for TESS follow-up observations (including HST preparatory and supporting observations for JWST follow-up of TESS-discovered planets). The committee is soliciting input via multiple channels to ensure that all interested members of the community are heard. 
> In this document, the HST-TESS Advisory Committee invites input from the astronomical community via White Paper submissions. White Papers are solicited from all members of the astronomical community. Authors of White Papers are asked to provide input on how HST can capitalize on discoveries made by TESS and all related aspects. 
> The community is encouraged to submit well-argued White Papers focusing on a single particularly important topic or theme (a small number of very closely related topics). Input on all opportunities, concerns, and challenges relevant to the committee's charter are welcome.
> 1) Description of a category of HST follow-up observations of TESS-identified targets that cannot be currently efficiently proposed or scheduled, followed by a recommended programmatic change in HST proposal review or scheduling procedures. 2) Need for supplementary data or models to vet TESS planet candidates for HST follow-up beyond the currently established process.  3) Description of a lacking critical resource required to maximize the science yield of HST follow-up studies of TESS exoplanet candidates. 
> Other possible topics of interest for White Papers include: relative scientific priority of different exoplanet types, relative importance of follow-up studies as a function of planet type and type of observation, the amount of telescope time and level of resources required for follow-up programs, the optimal procedure for target vetting for HST observations, the suitability of the present time allocation process, and the use and applicability of target-of-opportunity and time-critical proposals.  
> The HST-TESS Advisory Committee's primary focus is identifying important opportunities, needs, and concerns. Therefore, the Committee will initially review the submitted White Papers without their cover page (i.e., without knowledge of the authors). The committee will consider the authors and team expertise only in its second review of the White Papers. The goal of this two-step process is to identify important submissions regardless of the size and identity of the submitting teams, while also gauging the community's view on important topics.
> On June 12, 2019, the window  will open for responses via the online survey. The aim of the Online Survey is to provide an additional channel of input for the community to the HST-TESS Advisory Committee. The White Papers are better suited for longer responses and the online survey aims to provide a low entry barrier channel. Responses from the online survey and the White Papers will be combined; therefore, the community is encouraged to submit ideas either through the White Paper process or through the online survey. The community is encouraged not to submit the same ideas through both channels.
> White papers must be 3 pages or shorter (excluding cover page and references), will use 1-inch margins and standard 12 pt fonts. The community is strongly encouraged to use the white paper templates downloadable from the committee's website. The community is encouraged to summarize ideas clearly and concisely. The cover page should include the title, list of authors (with affiliations), and complete contact information for the lead author(s). 
> The window for responses to the Call for White Papers and for the responses through the Online Survey closes on July 3, 2019. 
> White papers must be submitted in PDF format by emailing the files to hsttess at stsci.edu <mailto:hsttess at stsci.edu>. 
> HST-TESS Advisory Committee members will be available for in-person meetings at most major exoplanet conferences in Summer and Fall 2019.
> Questions on the request for information should be sent to hsttess at stsci.edu <mailto:hsttess at stsci.edu>.
> HST-TESS Advisory Committee Membership
> Chair: Daniel Apai (University of Arizona)
> Members: Nicolas Cowan (McGill University), Kevin Heng (Center for Space and Habitability, Bern), Laura Kreidberg (Harvard), Mercedes Lopez-Morales (Center for Astrophysics), Caroline Morley (University of Texas, Austin)
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