Comet 1.1.0 release

John Swinbank j.swinbank at
Wed Feb 26 08:04:45 PST 2014

Dear TDIG,

I’m pleased to announce the release of version 1.1.0 of Comet, my implementation of the VOEvent Transport Protocol.

Version 1.1.0 incorporates a number of minor feature enhancements and bug fixes. In particular:

- It is possible to adjust the interval between, or disable completely, broker generated test events. See the command line option --broadcast-test-interval.

- The event handler plugin system has been reworked so that plugins may now take command line options. This opens up a much wider range of possibly functionality for plugins. 

- In part as a demonstration of the above, Comet ships with a new plugin which saves VOEvents received to file. See the command line option --save-event.

Version 1.1.0 also ships with a somewhat larger test suite and much improved documentation.

Comet is available for download from <>. It is released under an open source (2 clause BSD) license, and development takes place at <>: your pull requests are welcome.

If you find Comet useful in your work, or if you have comments, questions or suggestions, please do let me know.



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