Madrid InterOp

Rob Seaman seaman at
Wed Apr 23 05:26:50 PDT 2014

Will there be the opportunity to participate remotely?  Suggest Bloom and Brewer be given a chance to comment on any SimpleTimeSeries planning if it diverges significantly from their original.  It might make the session less dramatic (, but suggest slides be circulated on this list before the meeting.

On Apr 23, 2014, at 2:06 AM, John Swinbank <j.swinbank at> wrote:

> Dear TDIG,
> The next IVOA InterOp meeting will be in Madrid from 18 to 23 May. Details at <>. As you can see from the draft programme at <>, there will be a single TDIG session at 17:00 on the 22nd.
> We can use this session to follow up on some of our previous discussions from eg Hotwired 3, and to get an update on work in progress. In particular, it would be great to have status updates on:
> - SimpleTimeSeries (Matthew)
> - VOEventRegExt (Matthew)
> - VOEvent Transport Protocol (John)
> I have been doing some more work on the last of the above recently, and hope to circulate an updated draft in advance of the meeting.
> In addition, we can revisit the VOEventContainer proposal from Hotwired 3 (Mike, is there anything new to discuss there?) and, perhaps, consider event authentication and security (Comet[1] now provides a complete implementation of Bob’s note on PGP signing VOEvents, but I’m not aware of anybody having actually tried it in the wild).
> In addition to the above, I’m actively soliciting other suggestions for what should be on the agenda. Anybody got any burning issues they want to discuss?
> Cheers,
> John
> [1]

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