Hotwired 3 TDIG Breakout

Roy Williams roy at
Sat Nov 16 12:14:20 PST 2013

OK I think I see now. There are two kinds of container here:

(1) How to put a single VOEvent together with images and other binary 
content. Zip would be a good way to do this, with images and other files 
referenced by file:// links. It could have a suffix .xmlx for example.

(2) How to collect together a lot of (1) into a single big object for 
data transfer. Here we can have a manifest.xml which is data about the 
collection itself, common metadata etc, together with all the .xmlx 
files. Then all these can be zipped up into a .xmlxx file.

Is that what we agreed?

On 11/16/13 11:30 AM, Matthew Graham wrote:
> Hi,
> I agree with John - people wanted some sort of structure to collect
> common metadata. Tim Jenness suggested looking at epub which is zip
> plus a structured inventory.
> Cheers,
> Matthew
> On Nov 16, 2013, at 10:46 AM, Roy Williams wrote:
>> On 11/15/13 5:29 PM, John Swinbank wrote:
>>> - Mike introduced his proposal for a “VOEventContainer”:
>>> essentially a means of bundling multiple VOEvents together with
>>> supporting data such as images into a single entity. This could
>>> address both issues surrounding bulk transport as well as the
>>> stated aim of the LSST folks to include cut-out images with their
>>> events. The proposal received a positive response from the
>>> audience, but there was some quibbling over technical details.
>>> Mike will introduce his proposal and kick off a discussion as to
>>> its implementation on the mailing list.
>> I heard the opposite of this. My impression was that there was a
>> rejection of the idea of inventing a special IVOA format for
>> bundling content. I heard a consensus that *zip* is a perfectly
>> good way to bundle multiple events, to bundle events with binary
>> content such as images. That zip is well known, widely implemented,
>> and trusted. It is the solution used in similar cases, such as epub
>> and docx format, where an XML document is bundled with images. Try
>> it yourself: cp document.docx unzip What
>> I heard is that this is a solved problem, and there is no need to
>> invent anything new for bundling XML files and their images.
>> Roy
>> --- Caltech LIGO roy at 626 395 3670

Caltech LIGO
roy at
626 395 3670

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