Upcoming meetings ?

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Mon Jul 15 14:35:14 PDT 2013

It would be great to have some overlap in attendance with Hotwired 3 the following month in Santa Fe:


Is there anybody planning to attend both?


On Jul 15, 2013, at 2:20 PM, Petr Kubánek <petr at kubanek.net> wrote:

> Hi all,
> this might be interesting to some of the group members - see bellow. I
> am sorry if you already received the message.
> Petr Kubánek
> ---------------------------------------------
> Dear colleagues:
> This is a reminder for the Third Workshop on Robotic Autonomous
> Observatories that will be held in Torremolinos (Málaga), Spain, on 7-11
> Oct 2013, in about 80 days from now. 50 participants are already
> registered.
> A preliminary scientific program (only showing the distribution of
> sessions and social activities like the Excursion Day visit to Morocco)
> is
> already
> available at the web page.
> A few slots for oral talks are still available so we have decided *to
> extend the deadline for oral talk requests until JULY 25*. For those of
> you who have not registered and might plan to attend and present an oral
> contribution, please do register and send your abstract before that day.
> Additional details at: astrorob.iaa.es
> Please do not hesitate to send it to other colleagues who might be
> interested in attending.
> Looking forward to seeing you in Spain,
> Alberto Castro-Tirado
> on behalf of the SOC and LOC

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