gravitational waves and VOEvent

Roy Williams roy.williams at
Wed May 25 11:08:53 PDT 2011

I would like to ask this group about rapid follow-up of gravitational 
wave events, specifically what sort of information would be most useful 
to the observer community when Notices go out in ~2015. The question is: 
What tools might be used to establish context, decide on follow-up? DS9? 
WWT? IRAF? What else? How can we make sure that LIGO data can be easily 
imported into popular tools?

The observation from LIGO will not be well localized, rather a wide 
probability map on the sky that may span several constellations -- see 
for example (*) . It could be represented in several ways: FITS on an 
RA/Dec grid, FITS on a Healpix grid, a set of contour lines of 
probability, a set of 'likely galaxies', or something greatly simplified 
from the full skymap, what? We are looking for suggestions from the 
community about what would be the most useful such representations for 

Thank you
Roy Williams
LIGO Caltech

(*) slide 4 of

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