Minor update to VOEvent PR

Norman Gray norman at astro.gla.ac.uk
Wed Apr 6 10:39:45 PDT 2011

Roy, hello.

On 2011 Apr 3, at 17:16, Roy Williams wrote:

> A new version of the VOEvent2 Proposed Recommendation has been uploaded.
> http://www.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOEventTwoPointZero/PR-VOEvent-2.0-20110402.html

Sorry for a bit of delay in getting back on this.

I looked at the new section 3.9 on <Reference>.  I can see the change to requiring @meaning to be a full URI, but the new text might still be a little thin on detail, which could easily lead to variant implementations

In particular:

> 3.9.2 meaning — The nature of the document referenced (anyURI). This attribute is optional.

I'd have hoped to see a little more of an explanation of what this URI should be, beyond "It is anticipated that a Note will be written" about them.

> 3.9.3 mimetype — An optional MIME type [36] for the referenced document.

Similarly, this MIME type could be a variety of things, and since the MIME type given here could potentially differ from the MIME type of the document received, it'd be good to note which has priority (the MIME type declared by the document beinr received).  It'd also be good to note what this is for, naly a hit rather than something you'd necessarily expect to work with.

I included some text for this section in my message of 2011 March 24 00:37:03 GMT. That may have been too prolix (and I admit a tendency to run to the formal in these contexts), but I thought a fair proportion of that text was at least useful.

We wouldn't want the VOEvent document to be full of legalese, but if it's too vague and suggestive, people will implement things based on what they guess the meaning to be, which could cause problems later.

Best wishes,


Norman Gray  :  http://nxg.me.uk

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