VOEvent v2.0 working draft

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Mon Sep 27 22:37:24 PDT 2010


A working draft of VOEvent v2.0 is attached.  Several members of the WG have had a hand in the writing, but the credit for bringing it home to roost belongs to Roy WIlliams and John Brewer.  Support for time series is at the heart of this version, but see the complete list of changes below.  While not really part of the IVOA recommendation itself, note the equally important goal of a rock solid schema capturing the normative standard.

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1.1 Changes from VOEvent 1.1

	• The concept of event stream in introduced in section 2.2, this in new in VOEvent 2.0. The stream metadata acts as a template for the events in the stream, and is registered with the VO registry.
	• The section on transport of VOEvents has been removed, so it can be handled in its own standards process.
	• The section on Registry enhancements to support VOEvent has been expanded and clarified.
	• The <Param> elements can now have <Description> and <Reference> elements
	• The value of a <Param> element can now be expressed as an element in addition to an attribute.
	• The <Param> element now has an attribute "dataType" to express the meaning of the parameter value (int, float, string).
	• There is a new <Table> element to express simple tables, see section 3.3.3.
	• There is a new <SimpleTimeSeries> element to express time series, with particular application for light curves. See section 3.3.4.
	• The VOEvent packet structure still conforms to the IVOA Space-Time Coordinates standard, but there is a new, simplified schema for these elements that is completely within the VOEvent schema.
	• The semantic implication of a <Citation> element is clarified: section 3.7
	• The <Reference> element has a more sophisticated notion of type as a general URI rather than enumeration of a few.

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