lots happening

Ashish Mahabal aam at astro.caltech.edu
Thu Jan 28 18:27:59 PST 2010

Hi Rob,

(though one can say it lurks in some of the subtopics).
Anyway, the SN classification challenge is here.


Hi all,
   the SN photometric classification challenge is ready.
   Details are given at


   When you go to the SNchallenge link, note that there
   is also an  "Amateur SN Challenge Quiz".

   Rick, Alex, Saurabh, Steve

On Wed, 27 Jan 2010, Rob Seaman wrote:

> Howdy,
> With the new year under way, it seems time to discuss a number of ongoing 
> initiatives:
> 	1) Hotwired book - the editors have distributed a number of writing 
> assignments with a deadline of Valentine's Day.  We plan to have boxes of 
> these to hand out like candy at meetings starting with SPIE this summer.
> 	2) SPIE - thanks to all who submitted abstracts.  The initial program 
> for conf. AS107 has been submitted and looks excellent.  Pending any changes 
> from above, there will be a solid block of time domain talks all day on 
> Thursday 1 July, spilling over to the morning of the 2nd.  The final schedule 
> comes out in April.
> 	3) The U.S. National Observatory (ie, "your observatory") is turning 
> 50!  We are holding two workshops in March, celebrating a stellar past and 
> anticipating an even greater future.  The "future" workshop is "The Eventful 
> Universe" (http://www.noao.edu/meetings/eventful-universe), focusing 
> explicitly on time domain astronomy.  Several friends of VOEvent are on the 
> SOC or giving invited talks.  One day of the workshop will consist of 
> break-out sessions on several topics - I plan to chair one on VOEvent.
> 	This will be the one meeting this year that will explicitly look at 
> far future trends guiding the science and technology of time domain 
> astronomy.  Your participation will make it even better.  One favor: between 
> delayed VAO funding and a likely freeze on federal facilities, our 
> accountants are fretful.  Please click through to http://bit.ly/9V5Eb7 right 
> now to indicate even a smidgeon of desire/intent to attend.  The form is not 
> directly tied to payment and abstracts can follow later (although titles are 
> nice).  I believe there are registration waivers available for students.
> 	4) Time series - we are pressing forward on v2.0 with the intent of 
> reaching an IVOA recommendation at the Victoria InterOp in May.  Time series 
> are hot - see the many incredible Kepler papers.
> 	This is the time, we are the people.  (Read Henry V act VI scene III 
> if you need more of a pep talk.)
> 	5) VAO Facility for Rapid Transients?  VAO is ramping up in 
> anticipation of funding.  Science priorities will be set.  We need to make 
> the case frequently and fiercely that "real time astronomy" is part of the 
> mix.
> 	6) Boston ADASS tutorial?  Proposals for a ADASS Sunday tutorial will 
> be accepted in the next month or so.  Boston is a good place to consider 
> hosting a VOEvent session, if only due to the presence of the CBAT/MPC.  The 
> Sky/WWT tutorial was very successful in Quebec.  We can do as well or better. 
> Ideas for the program?
> 	7) Infrastructure.  Excellent work was contributed last year on a 
> variety of issues related to deployable VOEvent-aware software, including a 
> broker from Bob Denny and an iPhone app from the LSST folks.  Deployable is 
> not the same as deployed.
> 	Let's make 2010 a year of planting and growing our infrastructure.
> Rob
> PS - speak up if I omitted your favorite topic!


Ashish Mahabal, Caltech Astronomy, Pasadena, CA 91125
http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~aam aam at astro.caltech.edu

What if this weren't a hypothetical question?

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