VOEvent priorities

Roy Williams roy at cacr.caltech.edu
Tue Feb 2 10:18:33 PST 2010

Rob Seaman wrote:
> V2.0 is defined by its support for time series ... this support will be provided by ... the Berkeley SimpleTimeSeries

Are we restricting ourselves here to light curves in optical 
wavelengths? Hope not! So I am assuming that a "time series" is a set of 
records labeled by time.  Each record can be strings and numbers and 
everything, all with semantics and units, right?

With the Berkeley model, can we express, for example:
-- An ephemeris or other set of astrometric observations
-- A set of time-stamped URLs that link to images of past observations
-- Global banana production over the last 10 years ....

What if I want to express a set of records that are *not* labeled by 
time. Can we just set the time to zero or null? I am thinking of:
-- A frequency series or SED of the object
-- A set of objects near to the transient, i.e. a finding chart
-- A set of people who are interested/observing/commented on the transient



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