VOEvent session

Mike Fitzpatrick fitz at noao.edu
Wed Dec 15 01:51:17 PST 2010

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 5:29 PM, Roy Williams <roy at cacr.caltech.edu> wrote:
> Yes, the VOEvent can be very simple and just have links. But then the
> question of structure is simply shifted to the remote resources.

Those remote resource might also be 'Brokers' or 'Subscribers' who are
willing to
do a little extra work for packets that are interesting.  Isn't this a
difference between
the idea that 'everyone gets everything' versus 'everyone gets enough to
know if
they want to dig deeper'?

Note this doesn't exclude the concept that time-critical events will want to
push as
much data as possible, but then shouldn't it be the client's choice to
subscribe to
a data-heavy stream or the lightweight version they can filter as
uninteresting easily?
All of this comes back to what the backbone and transport infrastructure
I think the current Note on transport supports only a few of the possible
event use
cases one can imagine;  I would like to see that functionality formalized in
some form
and within the scope of a long-term vision of what Tier-1/backbone/transport
in a scalable sense.

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