VOEvent session

Roy Williams roy at cacr.caltech.edu
Mon Dec 13 16:29:23 PST 2010

On 12/13/2010 3:13 PM, Rob Seaman wrote:
 > A VOEvent
 > message, for instance, could simply be an alert saying "Hey, over
 > here!  New information on object XYZ has been registered at IVORN
 > ivo:ABC".  Would this satisfy the requirements?

The requirement is that a machine be able to make decisions based on the 
data in the VOEvent or the resources behind its links. The possibility 
of machines making complex judgments with multi-authored data -- this is 
the reason for 200 elements and attributes.

Yes, the VOEvent can be very simple and just have links. But then the 
question of structure is simply shifted to the remote resources.


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