Fwd: VoEvent formats and LIGO

Jonah Kanner jkanner at umd.edu
Tue Apr 20 11:54:58 PDT 2010

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: VoEvent formats and LIGO
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 10:29:10 -0400
From: Jonah Kanner <jkanner at umd.edu>
To: roy at caltech.edu

Hi Roy,

     I enjoyed talking with you at the LIGO collaboration meeting in
Arcadia.  As promised, here is a sample "trigger"
file from the burst pipeline "Coherent Wave Burst."  This event was 
obtained using simulated data, so it is OK to share.

     Notice at the bottom of the file, there is a table containing a
skymap.  The skymap is a list of pixels on the sky, each with an
associated "probability" which is a likelihood of being the true
location of the gravitational wave source.  In this example, there are
56 pixels - we typically work with skymaps up to 1000 pixels.

     In some future era of Advaned LIGO, and LSST style survey
telescopes, I could imagine sending the entire skymap to an observatory, 
and expecting a robotic telescope to choose multiple pointings to image 
some or all of the skymap.

     I hope this is helpful.  I'm sorry it took me so long to get this
out to you.  Please let me know if you have any questions.



Jonah Kanner

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