SPIE reminder

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Thu Dec 3 21:02:16 PST 2009


Several VOEvent WG members are attending the rather interesting DotAstronomy meeting this week.  Meanwhile planning for future meetings of various stripes continues.

A quick reminder that the abstract deadline for next summer's San Diego SPIE meeting is December 14th.  The Observatory Ops POC is looking to fill about a day's worth of transient response talks.  The time domain is a particular focus of this year's conference and this will provide an excellent opportunity for our community to engage with the decision-makers at major ground-based and space observatories.

DotAstronomy has been a forum for imagining the future.  SPIE is the place to make the future happen.

Please consider submitting an abstract.  I'll also prod some specific people (you know who you are) when I return to Tucson next week, but the serendipitous topics can be even more interesting to spice up an agenda.


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