Transport Protocol 1.1 and Cross Platform Broker Implementation

Arnold Rots arots at
Thu Aug 27 09:18:52 PDT 2009

I have used Word to produce documents and saving it as Filtered HTML
works just fine. Note that filtered html produces vanilla html, as
opposed to Word's HTML option which produces MS flavor.

  - Arnold

Bob Denny wrote:
[ Charset windows-1252 unsupported, converting... ]
> > I don't understand this; while a HTML master is fine, there are plenty
> > of cases where we have Word masters which can produce HTML and PDF
> > as well.  In fact this is the most flexible case as then we get all
> > three formats.  The HTML in this case however should not be directly
> > edited.  
> No kidding, it -cannot- be edited!
> > I suggest that if Word is convenient continue to use it,
> > and merely generate the other formats when you publish the document.
> Well, maybe I'm just not up to the task, but I cannot get Word to produce
> anything but trash which will render only in Microsoft's browser and then poorly.
> > I don't think the IVOA standards mandate that HTML be used as the
> > master document format.
> They do now, and this is recent (June I think). Again, I apologize for venting
> on this issue. It's been a few days of one frustration after another w.r.t
> VOEvents, things out of my control. But tonight I succeeded at building a
> Scientific Linux on a VM, building and installing Mono from the current dev
> trunk, and getting my Dakota broker running complete with DigiSig
> authentication. The VOEvent parser/validator failed though. I will try again
> next week with the stable sources for 2.4, and I expect it will work OK.
>   -- Bob
Arnold H. Rots                                Chandra X-ray Science Center
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory                tel:  +1 617 496 7701
60 Garden Street, MS 67                              fax:  +1 617 495 7356
Cambridge, MA 02138                             arots at

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