Aspen workshop

Rob Seaman seaman at
Fri Nov 14 08:43:26 PST 2008

Here's another workshop of interest to the time domain community:

June 14 – July 5
Wide-Fast-Deep Surveys: New Astrophysics Frontier


Tony Tyson, University of California, Davis
Zeljko Ivezic , University of Washington
Michael Strauss, Princeton University
Bob Nichol, University of Portsmouth
Josh Frieman, Fermilab

The ability to deeply and rapidly image much of the sky will have  
great impact in astrophysics. New technology large aperture, wide  
field survey telescopes coupled with powerful data processing systems,  
promise to open up the time domain for exploration.  The goal of this  
workshop is to bring theorists, observers, and computational  
scientists together to discuss the discovery space of wide-fast-deep  
surveys, and to develop algorithms and observing strategies that  
maximize the scientific return of such a program. With billions of  
galaxies and stars, new ways of addressing phenomena ranging from dark  
energy to the formation of our Galaxy will be explored. A general  
discussion of what types of transient behavior are expected, or indeed  
possible, is essential to maximize the potential. The exploitation of  
wide-fast-deep surveys for unanticipated phenomena depends critically  
on solving technical challenges in data management and automated  
discovery.  After a review and discussion of known and speculative  
phenomena and how these new surveys can probe them (weeks I and II),  
the workshop will then focus (weeks II and III) on optimizing the  
system for time-domain discovery: survey strategy, and analysis  
methodology requiring database and algorithm innovations.
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