The State of VOEvent

Joshua Bloom jbloom at
Fri Jun 6 17:39:15 PDT 2008

Great. We can try to morph to utypes. Didn't know about that  
formalism...bad me.

The reason why I favor the name VOTimeseries over VOLightcurve is two  
fold. First, we might eventually be describing changes in time that  
are not light (e&m) but flux of particles or GW amplitude. Second, a  
given time instance (essentially a row in a VOTable) might only have  
position and no flux info. Right now we see time as the only mandatory  
field/column. Optional would be flux, fluxerr, position, position error.


J. S. Bloom

On Jun 6, 2008, at 5:27 PM, Roy Williams <roy at> wrote:

> Rob et al
> I enclose some notes from VOEvent meeting last September. I believe  
> the correct path forward is to extend Josh's UCD structure with  
> utypes, such as some of those defined below. These have a very  
> precise meaning -- the parser can simply check for specific utypes  
> to build its data structures. Much less fluffy than UCD.
> Roy
> VOLightCurve
> Proposed Scope:
> “EM flux variation of astrophysical objects”
> Can we use a common format
> Based on VOTable and Char semantics
> ---
> Error model
> systematic, statistical
> errLow, errHigh
> lower limits
> Flux model
> Magnitude, Jansky?
> Filter model
> Name, max and min wavelength, link to something
> Time model
> heliocentric JD ... enough? Lets hope so!
> duration of observation / time error
> ---
> Choose parts of the IVOA data model for use as utypes, taken from
> FluxAxis.Value
> FluxAxis.Unit
> FluxAxis.Accuracy.StatError
> FluxAxis.Accuracy.StatErrLow FluxAxis.Accuracy.StatErrHigh
> FluxAxis.Accuracy.SysError
> TimeAxis.Value TimeAxis.Coverage.Bounds.Extent
> SpectralAxis.Value SpectralAxis.Coverage.Bounds.Extent
> Curation.Publisher
> Curation.Reference
> Curation.PublisherID
> Curation.Version
> Curation.ContactName
> Curation.ContactEmail
> Curation.Date
> Curation.PublisherDID
> Target.NameTarget.Description Target.Class Target.pos
> DataID.Collection
> DataID.DatasetID DataID.CreatorDID
> DataID.Date
> ---
> Also error box on position
> General param mechanism for metadata, eg orbital period
> -- 
> California Institute of Technology
> 626 395 3670

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