Roy Williams roy at cacr.caltech.edu
Wed Jul 2 11:18:01 PDT 2008

Joshua Bloom wrote:
>  I'd really like to see a BoF on Timeseries. 

Josh --

Can I wave the flag of simplicity?

(1) Any chance we can reduce the scope in the hopes of simplicity and 
efficiency? What I mean is to call it specifically "Light Curve" in 
place of the general "Time Series". The former we understand well 
(magnitudes and Janskys), but the latter could easily get out of 
control, and start to include time series of tensorial fiber bundle 
functors and things like that.

(2) On the matter of "time", can we also reduce scope? Can we agree on a 
single system like Julian Day? If we need to generalize to Ganymedian 
siderial time, then we are lost. (IMHO).



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