Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Wed Jul 2 10:13:24 PDT 2008


The announcement for the GRB workshop reminded me to prompt for an  
early show of hands for folks planning to attend the Baltimore IVOA  
(26-31 October) or the Québec ADASS (2-5 November).  (I'll be  
attending both.)

In particular, thoughts about VOEvent related sessions at these?  We  
had 2.5 sessions in Trieste.  I look forward to our useful  
collaboration continuing with the semantics WG.  In addition, we'll  
clearly need a v2.0 session, and perhaps also a more long-term  
strategy discussion regarding the protocol and related VO standards if  
enough of us are in attendence at IVOA.

At ADASS, proposing another BoF is an option, but I'm wondering if  
better yet might be coordinating abstract submissions for enough oral  
presentations to fill a regular session.  Several members of the POC  
read this, I think.  Note that registration is now open at adass.org.

We're about four months out.  Not too soon, especially with two months  
of summer interruptions looming, to start planning.

In any event, sing out if it's likely you'll attend either.


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