Fwd: 6th Huntsville Symposium on Gamma-Ray Bursts

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Wed Jul 2 09:27:04 PDT 2008

Presumably many here are already on the distribution list, but FYI:

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Huntsville GRB Symposium 2008" <grbhuntsville2008 at gmail.com>
> Date: July 2, 2008 9:15:01 AM GMT-07:00
> Subject: 6th Huntsville Symposium on Gamma-Ray Bursts
>               6th Huntsville Symposium on Gamma-Ray Bursts
>                              October 20-23, 2008
> The launch of GLAST on June 11 represents an important milestone in  
> gamma
> ray astronomy. For GRB studies specifically, we look forward to  
> unprecedented
> spectral coverage. Activation of the spacecraft, the Large Area  
> Telescope,
> and the GLAST Burst Monitor has been proceeding very well. Both  
> instruments
> are now fully powered up and the teams are engaged in the fine-tuning
> required for normal science operations. All of the GBM detectors are  
> working
> beautifully and we even detected a weak burst on the first day of  
> operation.
> This early success bodes well for the 2008 Huntsville Symposium. We  
> look
> forward to many stimulating presentations and discussions on gamma-ray
> bursts from GLAST, Swift and other observatories in Huntsville in  
> October.
> The 6th Huntsville GRB Symposium Web page is on-line and we invite you
> to register and submit your abstracts by July 31st. Please indicate  
> at the
> end of your abstract the session where you would like it presented.  
> The list
> of sessions and invited speakers is included below and can be also  
> found at
>     http://grbhuntsville2008.cspar.uah.edu
> 1. The Status of Present and Future Missions
> 2. GRB Central Engines: Collapsars (GRB-SNe) & Mergers (Short GRBs)
> 3. Circumburst Medium and Afterglow Physics
> 4. GRB Host Galaxies
> 5. Prompt and High-Energy Emission
> 6. Cosmology or GRBs as Tools
> S.D. Barthelmy
> J.S. Bloom
> L. Hayes
> P. Jakobsson
> J.E. McEnery
> P. Meszaros
> J. Morse
> E. Nakar
> A. Panaitescu
> E. Ramirez-Ruiz
> J.E. Rhoads
> S.E. Woosley
> We expect to post an almost final program by the end of August.  
> Besides
> the invited reviews, we will have contributed talks of 15 minutes  
> (12+3)
> and several discussion sessions. The program also includes an evening
> public talk by Neil Gehrels entitled "Black Holes:  From Einstein to
> Gamma Ray Bursts".
> The Symposium banquet will be held beside a Saturn V! Of the few
> remaining Apollo moon rockets on display in the world, this is the  
> best.
> It was recently restored to a nearly flight-like condition and is  
> housed
> in its own protective building.
> The GBM and Swift teams are looking forward to hosting y'all!
> The SOC:
> D.N. Burrows
> E.E. Fenimore
> N. Gehrels
> J. Granot
> J. Greiner
> D.H. Hartmann
> K. Hurley
> C. Kouveliotou (co-chair)
> C.A. Meegan (co-chair)
> J.X. Prochaska
> S.M. Ritz
> R.A.M.J. Wijers
> We apologize if you receive this announcement more than once.

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