VOEvent v2.0, some thoughts

Alasdair Allan aa at astro.ex.ac.uk
Tue Jan 22 05:33:50 PST 2008

>>> transport document
>> Okay, I'll finish it this time. Matthew, do you want to write  
>> something up for Jabber? I was thinking of trying to push this  
>> into A&A perhaps.
> Let me know if you could use anything I've collated during/after  
> the EuroVO data publishing workshop transient session you led at  
> ESAC last June?

Sure, absolutely!

> At least one of the groups has continued the work they started  
> (ephemeral datasets)...

The guys that actually got the STAP service working the session?  
That's very cool.

> ...so might want to feed in as example(s) somewhere in a paper/ 
> report (if relevant here?).

Yes, sound like a good plan. I was thinking that since we no long  
really have a deadline like the HTN proceedings, STAP (and maybe  
SEAP) should at least get a mention in the document. After all it's a  
transport mechanism for VOEvents...


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