VOEvent v2.0, some thoughts

Alasdair J G Gray agray at dcs.gla.ac.uk
Tue Jan 22 04:55:34 PST 2008

Frederic V. Hessman wrote:
> On 21 Jan 2008, at 8:52 pm, Roy Williams wrote:
>>>     2) support for IVO vocabularies (for <Why> and <What>)
>> How can I say "supernova Ia" using one of the vocabularies?
> How about any of the following, to be found in already existing SKOS 
> vocabulary files:
>     iau93:SUPERNOVAES                        (1993 IAU thesaurus - 
> available now)
>     aoim:StarEvolutionaryStageSupernova            (AOIM working group 
> thesaurus - available now)
>     ivoat:typeIaSupernova                        (proposed IVOA 
> thesaurus - available now)
>     ivoat:snIa                                    (Ibid., just an 
> alternate label - available now)
Of course, you wouldn't be tagging the resource with the alternative 
label, that should only be used to help humans to find the URI for the 
vocabulary term.

>  or
>     voe:supernovaIa                                (if Roy wants a 
> native VOEvent token - TBD)
> For example:
>     iau93 : 
> http://www.astro.physik.uni-goettingen.de/~hessman/rdf/IAU93/IAU93.rdf
>     ivoat:  
> http://www.astro.physik.uni-goettingen.de/~hessman/rdf/IVOAT/IVOAT.rdf
> and official copies will be available soon at a central IVOA URI as 
> soon as the official draft of semantics working group is submitted.
> Note that a human-readable short descriptive text (e.g. "Supernova of 
> type Ia") is available for all of these tokens, so one can already use 
> these terms in a real-live GUI.
>> Do I have to import a schema?
> No, SKOS/XML is basically pretty simple XML and you're welcome to 
> parse the even simpler N3- or Turtle-formatted equivalent 
> representations.
> However, if you want to be exact, you'll need, e.g.
>     <!ENTITY rdf "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
>     <!ENTITY rdfs "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#">
>     <!ENTITY dc "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">
>     <!ENTITY dct "http://purl.org/dc/terms/">
>     <!ENTITY skos "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#">
> (the "dc" things are Dublic blah-blah-blah doc stuff, if you also want 
> to parse various other doc information).
>> What would the <Why> section look like?
>> In the <What> section, we are having trouble with those parameters 
>> which are links to further information. We are mashing up VOEvent 
>> feeds for Google Sky (voeventnet.org), and each placemark on the sky 
>> may have links to finding chart, event portfolio, photometry file, 
>> etc, which should be linked from that placemark. But each event 
>> stream uses different types of Params or References for these.
> Good question.   Given that we are pushing the current limits of 
> standard semantic-web technology (lots of ideas out there, but few 
> standards), I'm afraid that there aren't too many tools for actually 
> USING the vocabularies in the sense of being able to say "the event is 
> either an X or a Y plus Z but definitely not a W" in a standard 
> syntax, much less Roy's ultimate test case, "the eclipse occured when 
> a G3V star went in front of the K3 giant".
> Within the current VOEvent <param> paradigm, we could easily and 
> quickly use something like (I'm brainstorming here for didactic 
> purposes only...)
>     <group name="object">
>         <param name="object-type" rdf:resource="iau93:SUPERNOVAS"/>
>         ...
>     </group>
>     <group name="telescope" rdf:resource="ivoat:telescope">
>         <param name="focal-length" 
> rdf:resource="ucd:instr.tel.focallength" value="8770" 
> units="millimeters"/>
>         ...
>     </group>
>     ...
> The use of rdf:resource attributes makes the contents 
> semantic-web-compatible, since each of the entries can be identified 
> by someone with little knowledge of what the document actually means 
> or is intended with a global vocabulary, so that the contents of 
> different documents can be compared/linked just on this basis.  Note 
> that I slipped in a reference to UCD expressed in terms of RDF.  Note 
> also that one can mix-and-match, according to your needs, i.e. no more 
> monolithic "UCD and that's it".
> If the VOEvent working group can figure out what terms are
>     1) needed, and
>     2) not yet present in an existant vocabulary,
> then we can produce a special VOEvent vocabulary with nearly zero 
> effort (after the terms have been identified).
> Try http://www.astro.physik.uni-goettingen.de/~hessman/rdf/
> Rick

Dr Alasdair J G Gray

Explicator project 

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