enveloping, batching, signing

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Mon Feb 4 12:46:02 PST 2008

On Feb 4, 2008, at 1:21 PM, Rick Wagner wrote:

> Is there a use case where an aggregator type of service may be  
> publishing VOEvents signed by others?

Well, no - because aggregators relay packets published by others.  A  
signature (or insecure checksum) is ultimately a mechanism for  
guaranteeing the integrity of packets published upstream as they are  
relayed and relayed again.  Intermediate brokers may well sign a  
packet published by others, however.  I don't see how this  
distinguishes between instantiating the signature within or outside  
the <VOEvent> element, however, since there is already a XSLT-based  
scheme for excising signatures and norming the remaining content.

> Barring that, I think a digitally signed envelope is sufficient, and  
> general enough that it could be applied to other services in the  
> future.

The question of "Sufficiency" is what we're trafficking in.  Is a  
general purpose envelope sufficient for all VOEvent (and perhaps VO)  
signing purposes?  Are there additional advantages to envelopes?

- Rob

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