VOEvent BoF? IVOA session?

Elizabeth Auden eca at mssl.ucl.ac.uk
Wed Sep 5 04:02:26 PDT 2007

Hi Rob,

If the new LMSAL schema that incorporates VOEvent (for use with the 
Heliophysics Knowledge Base of solar events) has been released by 
ADASS, I can give a progress report. I'll see the LMSAL guys at a 
workshop next week, so I can let you know then whether there will be any 
progress to report on.


> I've got Pete Marenfeld here working on a poster for the ADASS BoF - should 
> have something for folks to review later in the week.  Hopefully Paul Simonon 
> won't object.
> Presumably we'll need an agenda - I was thinking it would be a bit more 
> freeform since we'll also have the IVOA session later in the week (for which 
> we'll need an agenda, too...)  Roy had some hot topics:
> -- Tie in with DM on the VOTimeSeries
> -- Brokers for event firehoses like LSST
> -- Special names for PARAMs (formalize the informal)
> -- Is a GCN circular an event? A CBET? Is a blog entry an event?
> -- The event access protocol SEAP?
> -- Is there science in event correlation studies?
> What else?
> ADASS BoF info @ http://www.adass.org:8080/Conferences/2007/Venue/events/bof:
> 	VOEvent is Monday, 24 Sept, 19:30-21:00 (opposite FITS)
> IVOA InterOp info @ http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpSep2007:
> 	VOEvent is Friday, 28 Sept, 10:00-11:30 (opposite Grid & Web Services 
> 2)
> Who is planning to attend one session or the other?  And who has something 
> pithy to present?
> Rob

Elizabeth Auden, MSSL
Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking RH5 6NT
Tel: +44 (0)1483 204 276
eSDO Technical Lead, AstroGrid Developer

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