VOEvent query language (SEAP?)

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Mon Mar 12 09:21:45 PDT 2007

> Hello, I just gave that talk earlier today.  :)

Then it was handy that you wrote it first.  This doesn't always  
appear to be the case in the VO :–)

> I'm working on a VOTech science case to match VOEvent packets with  
> observations from Aladin described by the Characterization schema.

What does this mean precisely?  In terms a fourth grader - or an  
astronomer - could fathom?

> I would definitely like to explore a simple event access protocol -  
> I started to jot some thoughts down last autumn at http:// 
> wiki.astrogrid.org/bin/view/Astrogrid/SimpleEventAccessProtocol,  
> but I'm currently using the AstroGrid STAP service implementation  
> since 1) it already does most of what I want for my first test  
> queries (RA, Dec, time, plus assorted optional parameters), and 2)  
> Kevin Benson has already written the code.

Cool.  I take it as a good sign that folks have picked up on the SEAP  
"brand name".  As far as I know, this term was first tossed out as a  
talking point at the 2005 NVO SS.  It would help if we discussed what  
the beastie needs to do before we design it.

Even better if we can simply repurpose STAP or some other protocol.

> I would like to attend the VOEvent workshop in June

Registration should open in a few days.

> will there be a chance to discuss SEAP then?

Thanks for volunteering!


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