[nvo-techwg] Time series data

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Tue Jun 26 16:04:01 PDT 2007

On Jun 26, 2007, at 3:39 PM, Arnold Rots wrote:

> I only asserted that STC *can* provide the functionality.

It was the combination with Doug's statement that VO needs a single  
common time series DM that triggered my response.  In such a case,  
either STC is THE solution, or it is not A solution - whatever you  
may assert.

> And, of course, it does that with minimal change to the VOEvent  
> standard and schema - that's leveraging capabilities that are  
> already built in.

Which is precisely why I'll be surprised if we don't adopt STC for  
representing orbital elements.  My only concern there is to reach a  
consensus that hyperbolic orbits and other important edge cases are  
properly supported.  In short, can STC represent canonical data like  
MPC, etc?

> Anyway, 437 bytes is peanuts compared to the 18 kB of your message ;-)

I saved the message as txt - 8451 bytes with a full header, 5964 with  
a minimal header.  Smiley noted, but would this be an appropriate  
overhead for every point of an extensive light curve?  If you are  
indeed seeing a transport overhead of a factor of 2 or 3 (two byte  
unicode, perhaps?), this rather strengthens my argument.


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