VOEvent used for solar knowledge base

Elizabeth Auden eca at mssl.ucl.ac.uk
Thu Jul 19 12:19:03 PDT 2007

Hi Rob and Rick,

>> The VOEvent schema already imports the IVOA's STC schema - can additional
>> schemas be imported as well so that VOEvent packets can include customized
>> elements like the <lmsal:*> tags while still conforming to the VOEvent 
>> schema?

> I personally think this is a good idea.  Do you have a revised VOEvent schema 
> for the working group to consider?

The lmsal schema is currently under revision itself, so I will draft a 
version of VOEvent importing lmsal as soon as I have a copy of the new 

>> I think better yet would be for the lmsal event types to inform the 
>> evolution of native VO vocabulary lists, such as a VOEvent UCD 
>> namespace. Perhaps Rick can comment.

> The current proto-proposal for an appropriate "Standard Vocabulary" 
> description fits easily and would be
> ucd="phys.magneticField;morphology.loop"

I like Rick's idea for inclusion of lmsal event concepts as UCDs. I've 
just had a look at the UCD 1+ vocabulary at 
http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/UCD/ucd1p-words.txt to see what overlaps exist 
between HPKB defined event types and related parameters (more details at 
http://www.lmsal.com/helio-informatics/hpkb/details_b.html). For example, 
I see phys.magField and src.morph, but nothing for "loop". What is the 
VOEvent packet etiquette for adding ucd attributes with values that might 
someday be in the UCD list or the "Standard Vocabulary" but aren't yet?

If HPKB concepts and parameters can be mapped to existing or candidate 
UCDs, then ucd attributes as shown in Rick's example could be added to the 
SolarSoft vobs/ontology package that generates event packets for HPKB. 
LMSAL guys, any comments?


Elizabeth Auden, MSSL
Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking RH5 6NT
Tel: +44 (0)1483 204 276
eSDO Technical Lead, AstroGrid Developer

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