VOEvent used for solar knowledge base

Elizabeth Auden eca at mssl.ucl.ac.uk
Tue Jul 17 10:58:43 PDT 2007

Hi everyone,

I'd like to highlight a new solar use case for the VOEvent schema.
Lockheed Martin is building a heliophysics features and event knowledge
base (http://www.lmsal.com/helio-informatics/hpkb/). The knowledgebase is
built up as solar events are identified, described  as VOEvent packets
with the addition of <lmsal:*> tags, and submitted to the knowledgebase.

The VOEvent schema already imports the IVOA's STC schema - can additional
schemas be imported as well so that VOEvent packets can include customized
elements like the <lmsal:*> tags while still conforming to the VOEvent

I've attached a sample XML file (describing a coronal loop) generated by
the SolarSoft vobs/ontology module's struct4export and export_event
procedures. You may notice a <Group> placed inside <WhereWhen> that
describes the loop's placement on the Sun. The Lockheed group is amenable
to moving such groups to <What>.

I've copied six of the HPKB scientists to this discussion, and I would be
interested to hear the VOEvent group's thoughts.


Elizabeth Auden, MSSL
Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking RH5 6NT
Tel: +44 (0)1483 204 276
eSDO Technical Lead, AstroGrid Developer
-------------- next part --------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<voe:VOEvent ivorn="Reserved for KB archivist: KB entry identifier" role="observation" version="1.1" xmlns:voe="http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOEvent/v1.1" xmlns:lmsal="http://sot.lmsal.com/solarb/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOEvent/v1.1 http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOEvent/VOEvent-v1.1.xsd">

       <!-- Data pertaining to curation -->
       <Name>Reserved for KB archivist: KB entry made by</Name>
       <AuthorIVORN>Reserved for KB archivist: URL to suppl. info.</AuthorIVORN>
       <Date>2007/6/19 3:26:24</Date>

       <!-- Data about what was measured/observed. -->
       <Group name="Loop_required">
           <Param name="EVENT_NPIXELS" value="59"/>
           <Param name="EVENT_PIXELUNIT" value="0.5 arcseconds"/>

        <!-- Data pertaining to when and where something occured -->
        <ObservationLocation id="EIT">
            <AstroCoords coord_system_id="UTC-HPC-TOPO">

                <Position2D unit="arcsec"> 
                    <!-- Coordinates of lower-left corner of bounding box -->
                    <!-- Coordinates of upper-right corner of bounding box -->

       <Group name="Loop_required">
           <Param name="CHAINCODETYPE" value="unknown"/>
           <Param name="SKEL_CHAINCODE" value="unknown"/>
           <Param name="SKEL_CURVATURE" value="-1.00000"/>
           <Param name="SKEL_NSTEPS" value="-1"/>
           <Param name="SKEL_STARTC1" value="-1.00000"/>
           <Param name="SKEL_STARTC2" value="-1.00000"/>

       <!-- Data pertaining to how the feature/event detection was performed -->
           <lmsal:OBS_ChannelID>EIT 195</lmsal:OBS_ChannelID>
           <lmsal:FRM_Contact>ms2 at mssl.ucl.ac.uk</lmsal:FRM_Contact>
           <lmsal:FRM_DateRun>2007/6/19 3:26:24</lmsal:FRM_DateRun>
           <lmsal:FRM_Identifier>Mike Smith</lmsal:FRM_Identifier>
           <lmsal:FRM_ParamSet>inputFile, sigma, minimumContourPoints, OutputFile</lmsal:FRM_ParamSet>

       <Inference probability="Inf"/>
       <lmsal:EVENT_TYPE>LP: Loop</lmsal:EVENT_TYPE>

    <Reference name="FRM_URL" uri="http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/SDO/CoronalLoopDeployment"/>


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