UN Science Workshop in Tokyo, June, 2007

Silvia Dalla s.dalla at manchester.ac.uk
Mon Apr 23 10:02:39 PDT 2007

Hi Rob,

thanks for the clarifications.

> Do you happen to know if any of the experiments listed in the IHY site are
> using these formats, or are otherwise constructed to interoperate one with the
> other?

Sorry I don't know what the IHY plans are in this respect. Possibly
Peter knows the answer to this?

By the way here is the link to the SPASE project that was mentioned
by Kirk:

And links to the VxOs he mentioned can be found on this page:

> Yes, I was aware of this, but Rick points out some other requirements for
> STAP.  Data transport is also a different discipline than data storage and
> retrieval.  Identifying and benefiting from the areas of overlap is precisely
> the issue I was trying to generate a discussion about.

Ok point taken regarding the need for STAP to support STC.

Best wishes,

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