Clash of the Time Lords

Roy Williams roy at
Mon Nov 20 20:13:46 PST 2006

Dear VOEventers

I recommend you to pick up a copy of the December issue of the US 
magazine called "Harpers", and read the story "Clash of the Time Lords", 
featuring our very own Rob Seaman and Steve Allen. It is about leap 
seconds, leap years, and the Gregorian calendar, about the clash of 
astronomers and physicists, with Seaman leading the charge for the 
astronomers. It says that "Seaman's conversational and passionate 
listserv emails often bristle with provocative words and phrases". We 
all know this, I think, from his emails to this listserv too. Allen 
quotes the Chronicles of Narnia. The website is 
but the article is not online (yet?).

Roy Williams

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