VOEvent 1.1 new draft with STC elaboration

Alasdair Allan aa at astro.ex.ac.uk
Mon May 8 09:34:37 PDT 2006

Rob Seaman wrote:
> Steve Allen wrote:
>> Is there any desire to add W3C Signature elements for authentication?
> Short answer is yes (although that doesn't equate to consensus on  
> the details).

The longer answer is "yes, definitely"...

However I want to see more than an hack to the VOEvent spec before we  
consider W3C Signature, as the XML-Signature specification doesn't  
yet seem to be widely implemented I want to have some working  
examples of signing and verifying an event message. Firstly to see  
what'll does to the actual message (not the schema), and secondly to  
have a working prototype around.

So, do you have any working code at this point? Even something very,  
very, rough and ready would be of interest. Or examples of "signed"  
VOEvent messages?

> I'm convinced that rigorous document authentication will be  
> required once VOEvent reaches a certain maturity level.  (I'm  
> becoming more convinced, in fact, that we'll find we need something  
> more than a private network is needed to preserve privacy.)

Remember authorisation and authentication are very different beasts.  
I think authentication will turn out to be a VOEvent problem, but  
authorisation will remain a transport layer problem... and I don't  
really think the transport layer is our problem, interesting and we  
should keep up to date with how VOEvent is being used. But transport  
isn't the VOEvent WG problem...


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