Alasdair Allan aa at astro.ex.ac.uk
Tue Mar 7 03:04:23 PST 2006


I'm about to start republishing OGLE III EWS (see http:// 
www.astrouw.edu.pl/~ogle/ogle3/ews/ews.html) events via the eSTAR  
VOEvent broker, these will form part of the broker's combined "mini- 
interop standard" TCP push event feed available at,


and via the eSTAR RSS 2.0 feed at,


while I'm testing the build there may be some initial teething  
troubles, including perhaps; duplicate messages id's, and test  
messages marked as type="observation". Sorry about that...

Currently the eSTAR broker provides 3 event feeds, the eSTAR native  
feed, which will now also include OGLE III messages republished via  
the broker,


the RAPTOR/TALONS feed, which includes GCN messages republished via  
Los Alamos,


I think this is the only RSS feed of Robert's stuff as Los Alamos  
don't (I think?) publish their own RSS? Robert?

Finally I also re-publish the Caltech feed, which also consists of  
GCN messages republished this time via Caltech, available at,

via the eSTAR broker at,



PS. Yes, this means the broker will be going up and down like a yo-yo  
over the next day or so...

PPS. Yes, I know the actual VOEvent messages themselves won't verify  
against the schema at the moment, I'll fix that as soon as I get the  
messages pushing through the pipeline from the initial source okay.

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