beyond the logo .....

Roy Williams roy at
Thu Dec 21 07:57:32 PST 2006

I vote for the Elizabeth Auden logo. Simple, clean and unpretentious, no 
funny business.

If only we had this level of response from the group when asking some of 
these questions:
-- Which projects can make event streams suitable for followup, now or 
-- Who wants help in getting or using event streams?
-- Who has a robotic telescope that might follow-up on VOEvents?
-- Who has a data archive that could correlate with other event streams?
-- How can we produce an event stream for the Sun and who wants it?
-- Who wants supernova events and can/will make automated followup?
-- Who would prefer a VOEvent stream to a GCN feed and why?
-- What kinds of events would be of interest to an amateur astronomer 
with a 30cm reflector?
-- What science could be extracted by correlating different event streams?
-- What can the VOEvent working group do that will create better science?

Please reply to me or this group or any subset.
Happy Holidays!

Roy Williams
California Institute of Technology

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