XSD - new VALID schema

Roy Williams roy at cacr.caltech.edu
Thu Aug 10 07:33:39 PDT 2006


Thank you for your efforts. However yesterday I already uploaded a  
new schema with both your suggested changes and those suggested by  
others in the RFC process (i.e. the new "format" tag for  
Description). All previously valid documents should still be valid.

It is at

The schema validates under Oxygen and XMLSpy (as with all previous  
published schemas). Please tell me if you find any problems, and  
especially if you have an XML tool that finds the schema invalid.


On Aug 10, 2006, at 3:43 AM, Petr Kubanek wrote:

> Hi,
> I put on web new valid XSD schema for VOEvent. Validator output can  
> be viewed there:
> http://www.validome.org/xml/validate/? 
> lang=en&viewSourceCode=1&url=http://isdc.unige.ch/%7ekubanek/ 
> voevent/test.xml
> The schema used before was not valid, primary due to minor errors  
> as missing type declaration for Why, Who etc complexTypes. And I  
> put documentation from <!-- to <xs:annotation, so if somebody will  
> use some XML Schema designer, he will get documentation on-line.  
> And I changed few minOccurs and maxOccurs.
> I'm not making claims about human readability of non valid  
> documents, I'm just claiming that if you use XML parsers (not Perl  
> RE one-liners) to parse non valid document, you might have troubles  
> with them.
> Petr

California Institute of Technology
626 395 3670

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