Fwd: So you want to design the VOEvent logo?

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Wed Aug 2 14:24:14 PDT 2006

Sarah has an entry for the logo bake-off.  Keep those cards and  
letters coming!

> From: Sarah Emery Bunn <sarah at cacr.caltech.edu>
> Date: August 2, 2006 12:15:54 PM MST
> To: Rob Seaman <seaman at noao.edu>
> Subject: Re: So you want to design the VOEvent logo?
> Hi Rob,
> Here's a little something I threw together. I have no idea whether  
> it suits your needs but at least it gave me a good break from  
> frantic summer school preparations. :) Feel free to discard if it  
> wasn't at all what you had in mind.
> Sarah

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