SPIE travel

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Tue Apr 4 12:12:06 PDT 2006

Grüß dich!

Just booked my flights for SPIE.  Arriving 5:00 pm Tuesday 5/23.   
Departing 9:30 am Sunday 5/28.  Staying at the Orlando World Center  
Marriott.  Who else will be attending?  What evening(s) might be good  
for VOEvent carousing and politicking?


Word History: The origin of the word carouse can be found in a German  
interjection that meant “time to leave the bar.” German garaus, which  
is derived from the phrase gar (“all”) aus (“out”), meaning “all  
out,” then came to mean “drink up, bottoms up,” and “a last drink  
before closing time.” The English borrowed this noun, with the  
meaning “the practice of sitting around drinking until closing time,”  
sometimes spelling the word garaus but usually spelling it closer to  
the way it is spelled today. Soon after the word is first recorded as  
a noun in 1559, we find the verb carouse, in 1567.
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