VOEvent II - First Announcement

Alasdair Allan aa at astro.ex.ac.uk
Mon Sep 26 12:29:27 PDT 2005

Rob Seaman wrote:
> <VOEvent role="Workshop">
>     <Who> All interested parties </Who>
>     <What> Second VOEvent Workshop </What>
>     <WhereWhen>
>         Tucson, Arizona
>         December 5-6, 2005
>     </WhereWhen>

I'll be there...

>     <Citations>
>         <EventID cite="followup">
>             http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VoeventWorkshop2
>         </EventID>
>     </Citations>

 From the Google directions it looks like while the Marriott is further 
away, you have to cross a freeway from the Sheraton to get to the 
University, so it isn't going to be walkable. Is either/both of these 
hotels physically walkable from to the NOAO?


PS. It's still in the early stages, but the HTN consortium is putting 
together our wiki at http://www.telescope-networks.org/wiki you might 
be interested in having a look about...

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