VOEvent working draft published

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Wed Jun 22 07:33:19 PDT 2005

On Jun 21, 2005, at 4:32 PM, Roy Williams wrote:

> The document is at http://www.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/IvoaVOEvent/ 
> VOEvent-0.94.html
> Send your comments, bugs, typos, ambiguities, and praise either to  
> this wide group (voevent at ivoa.net) or to the 12 authors of the  
> draft (voevent-core at us-vo.org).
> If we do not hear from you within two weeks (July 5), we will  
> assume that you are happy for this specification to be accepted at  
> the Working Draft level, and it will be promoted to version 1.0.

Note that I have family arriving on July 6 for a two week visit, so  
will likely start the final wordsmithing on July 1 to be sure to meet  
the July 5 deadline.  (I'll be at JavaOne in SF until the 1st.)  To  
avoid triggering a cascading delay, please try to read the draft and  
comment sooner, rather than later.  Note that purely textual changes  
are already planned to improve the description of some of the (many)  
projects mentioned, e.g., RAPTOR.  More such comments are certainly  
welcome, but we are particularly interested in capturing your  
insights regarding the semantics and how well the document describes  
those semantics.


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