VOEvent working draft published

Roy Williams roy at cacr.caltech.edu
Tue Jun 21 16:32:10 PDT 2005

Welcome back to the VOEvent mailing list, it has been quiet for a while.

During this time, a subset of us has been working hard on the 
specification of a  VOEvent protocol, and we have converged on the 
document that you can find at the URL below.  Thanks are due especially 
to Rob Seaman of NOAO for acting as referee. We have had considerable 
discussion and we really hope that this document will be acceptable 
(for now) as a IVOA Working Draft, so that people can build a solid 
schema and code prototypes against it.

The document is at

Please try to find time to take a look at the document, and ask 
yourself if this protocol is both flexible enough to represent event 
announcements and followups, and also simple enough that a computer 
could parse it, understand it, and respond to the content.

Send your comments, bugs, typos, ambiguities, and praise either to this 
wide group (voevent at ivoa.net) or to the 12 authors of the draft 
(voevent-core at us-vo.org).

If we do not hear from you within two weeks (July 5), we will assume 
that you are happy for this specification to be accepted at the Working 
Draft level, and it will be promoted to version 1.0.

Thank you
Roy Williams

California Institute of Technology
626 395 3670
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