Pasadena VOEvent workshop March/April?

Roy Williams roy at
Tue Jan 4 10:47:51 PST 2005

I would like to offer to host a 2-day workshop at Caltech in Pasadena on the 
VOEvent/RTML description, perhaps during March or April. Which dates would be 
appropriate for this workshop? If you are interested in coming, please could you 
reply to me (NOT the whole mailing list) with your availability? (note Easter is 
March 27):

week of March 7-11
week of March 14-18
March 21/22
March 30/31
week of April 4
week of April 11
week of April 18
week of April 25

The workshop that Alasdair Allen mentioned (summer, Edinburgh) would, I hope, serve 
in part as a follow-on to the Pasadena meeting. If we can get enough people at both 
workshops, then we can properly unite the US and European efforts!

I have included on this mailing the RTML group, in part so I can invite them to the 
workshop, but also to invite them to sign up for the VOEvent mailing list  (to do so, 
send the simple message "subscribe voevent" to majordomo at

Thank you
Roy Williams

California Institute of Technology
roy at
626 395 3670 

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