[voeventnet] Re: URLs?

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Fri Dec 23 15:10:34 PST 2005

Two comments:

1)  I see there is now a voeventnet list in addition to voevent and  
voevent-core.  Have seen this topical list inflation over and over  
again.  Once a list exists it's virtually impossible to eradicate,  
but might suggest we not create any more voevent related lists.

2)  The role="iamalive" packets are also intended to increase faith  
in the reliability of packet delivery.  Strongly suspect we will be  
ineluctably driven to technologies that guarantee reliable queued  
delivery and, in general, true transaction processing for VOEvent.   
Some of the worst programming ever seen is encountered at automatic  
teller machines.  Am positive the bozos they hire to do this work  
would come off poorly in any comparison with a typical ADASS  
programmer.  And yet, the technology somehow generates trust in the  
proper recording of all (not just some) transactions associated with  
vast numbers of such machines.  That is the value of a transactional  
packet handling model.

We're not going to build a reliable VOEvent network simply by  
duplicating every data pathway.


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