VOEvent II speaker list

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Thu Dec 1 13:36:52 PST 2005

I would call this the final speakers list except that as a workshop,  
the schedule is destined to change drastically once we get into the  
thick of it.  The key issue is to make sure your name appears if you  
plan to present anything - and also that your name does not appear if  
you don't.  Duration is unspecified - was thinking 20 minutes, or as  
needed.  Please forward your more clever titles.  Slides to be posted  
in advance would be very helpful for our remote brethren.

Some expressed subtle issues regarding your topics of interest -  
distinctions that were undoubtedly lost on me.  Please be patient as  
you explain my flawed comprehension.  In any event, once you get in  
front of the room you can talk about anything you want.


<Workshop title="VOEvent II">


		<Snack start="8:30 am MST" />

		<Session topic="Where we are">
			<Morning start="9:00 am MST">
				Welcome, Introductions, etc. - Roy Williams
				VOEvent v1.0 specification - Rob Seaman
				eSTAR - Alasdair Allan
				TALON/RAPTOR - Robert White
				Demos - Roy, Ashish, Alasdair, etc.

			<Break start="10:30 am MST" />

			<Forenoon start="10:45 am MST">
				GCN - Scott Barthelmy
				ESSENCE, SuperMACHO & DES - Chris Smith
				Keepin' it real - discussion follows sermon by Chris

		<Lunch start="12:00 noon MST />

		<Session topic="Where we're going">
			<Afternoon start="1:00 pm MST">
				Logistics (dinner, etc.) - Rob
				UKIRT - Frossie Economou (polycom)
				LBT - Mark Wagner
				Space-Time Coordinates? - lively discussion follows presentation  
by Arnold Rots

			<Break start="3:00 pm MST" />

			<Evening start="3:15 pm MST">
				Solar transient events - Frank Hill
				Microlensing surveys & follow-up - Kem Cook
				Long term vision - discussion

		<Dinner site="Cuvee World Bistro" start="7:00 pm MST" />



		 <Snack start="8:30 am MST" />

		<Session topic="How we'll get there">
			<Morning start="9:00 am MST">
				LSST - Tim Axelrod
				ATEL - Bob Rutledge (polycom) ?
				HETE - Nat Butler
				NEAT - Ashish Mahabal
				VOEvent and massive data flow - discussion

			<Break start="10:30 am MST" />

			<Forenoon start="10:45 am MST">
				VOEventNet - Matthew Graham
				Transporting and Publishing VOEvents - Andrew Drake
				HTN workshop - Alasdair
				Emerging architecture - discussion

			 <Lunch start="12:00 noon MST" />

			<Afternoon start="1:00 pm MST" stop="?">
				CBAT/MPC - Dan Green (polycom)
				Group discusses action items, some possible topics:
					VOConcepts / UCDs - discuss Rick's slides and Andrea's email
					XML Signatures
					Messaging options, Mule, JMS, Jabber, Pubscribe, Elvin, ...
					Inventory of event classes
					VOEvent support for organizing observing campaigns
					Data rich packets?
					What is SEAP ("Simple Event Access Protocol")?
					Future F2F meetings?



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