New UCDs for VOEvent please

Alasdair Allan aa at
Wed Apr 27 03:50:10 PDT 2005

Rick Hessman wrote:
> Rob Seaman wrote;
>> However much effort is expended to constrain and mandate standard 
>> usage, the users will seek ways to subvert the dominant paradigm.  
>> This isn't just the nature of users, it is the nature of science as 
>> poetry.  Careful support for alternate usage is the key to 
>> controlling anarchy.
> Frankly, I imagine that most users won't even see it.   We're doing 
> this to help stupid computers become more useful and not to constrain 
> the science of our colleagues.

Exactly, this isn't for user consumption, this is so that bits of 
software can route messages correctly. VOEvent messages are never meant 
to be consumed, or even seen, by a human user.


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