[Fwd: event classification taxonomy]

Frederic V. "Rick" Hessman Hessman at Astro.physik.Uni-Goettingen.de
Tue Apr 26 09:06:24 PDT 2005

On 26 Apr 2005, at 5:50 pm, Tim Axelrod wrote:

> Hi Rick,
> Sent this out to the list when I was at the VOEvent workshop, but it  
> got bounced.  May be of interest for the current UCD discussion.
> Cheers,
> ======================================================================= 
> =
>                         GCVS  Variability  Types
>                                   and
>           Distribution Statistics of Designated Variable Stars
>                 According to their Types of Variability
> ======================================================================= 
> =
>                     I.    GCVS  Variability  Types.
> An improved system of variability classification is used in the fourth
> edition of the GCVS, based on recent developments in classification
> principles and taking into account the suggestions of a number of
> specialists.  Variability types are grouped according to the major
> astrophysical reasons for variability, viz.,
> 1. eruptive (FU, GCAS, I, IA, IB, IN, INA, INB, INT, IT, IN(YY), IS,  
> ISA,
>            ISB, RCB, RS, SDOR, UV, UVN, WR),
> 2. pulsating (ACYG, BCEP, BCEPS, CEP, CEP(B), CW, CWA, CWB, DCEP,  
>            DSCT, DSCTC, GDOR, L, LB, LC, M, PVTEL, RPHS, RR, RR(B),  
>            RRC, RV, RVA, RVB, SR, SRA, SRB, SRC, SRD, SXPHE, ZZ, ZZA,  
> ZZB),
> 3. rotating (ACV, ACVO, BY, ELL, FKCOM, PSR, SXARI),
> 4. cataclysmic (explosive and novalike) variables (N, NA, NB, NC, NL,  
> NR,
>            SN, SNI, SNII, UG, UGSS, UGSU, UGZ, ZAND),
> 5. eclipsing binary systems (E, EA, EB, EW, GS, PN, RS, WD, WR, AR, D,  
> DM,
>            DS, DW, K, KE, KW, SD),
> 6. intense variable X-ray sources (X, XB, XF, XI, XJ, XND, XNG, XP,  
> XPR,
>             XPRM, XM),
> 7. other symbols (BLLAC, CST, GAL, L:, QSO, S, *, +).

Absolutely.  I reviewed the list before starting to fill in the  
stars.variable UCD, but managed to forget to include things like BL  

One could argue about adopting the GCVS syntax for purely historical  
reasons (and for honoring the work done for so many decades), but they  
are a bit cryptic ("stars.variable.L" versus  
"stars.variable.irregular") and the level of detail is largely  
historical (no one uses the Orion variable classes anymore).   Looking  
at the histogram of use also doesn't help, since the modern  
underrepresented classes are bound to be the most intersting.


Dr. Frederic V. Hessman      Hessman at Astro.physik.Uni-Goettingen.DE
Universitaets-Sternwarte     Tel.  +49-551-39-5052
Geismarlandstr. 11                Fax +49-551-39-5043
37083 Goettingen                 http://www.uni-sw.gwdg.de/~hessman
MONET: a MOnitoring NEtwork of Telescopes

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