Collected Issues

Arnold Rots arots at
Thu Apr 14 17:07:17 PDT 2005

While people were talking I kept a list of issues that merit further
consideration (imho).  I think it may be good to work down this
checklist at some point.  Undoubtedly, other people have other issues,
but this may be a starting point.

I will comment only on one point - the identifiers.
I would suggest that maybe the authority for VOEvents should be, well,
VOEvent which would assign resource Ids to trusted publishers.
Hence, the identifiers would look like:

	ivo://VOEvent/<publisher>#<event id>

This is analogous to the way things have been set up with ADS
identifiers.  The publisher/contributor has full control over the
event id.  Further subdivision can be at the resource Id or the event
Id level:


Of course, the following is allowed, too:


Links inside the events to data objects can be created under the
authority of the publisher itself:


  - Arnold

Arnold H. Rots                                Chandra X-ray Science Center
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory                tel:  +1 617 496 7701
60 Garden Street, MS 67                              fax:  +1 617 495 7356
Cambridge, MA 02138                             arots at

VOEvent - Issues to be resolved

Curation data
	include information on proprietary properties
Identifiers  ivo://VOEvent/<publisher>#<event id>
	linking of events in both directions, especially forward linking
Linked data: 
	who is responsible for persistence?
	all data retained in perpetuity?
How do we adequately characterize sensitivity?
Distributed system: who will be providing the registries?
Sophistication of queries (e.g., asteroids with a > 15 au)
Databases of known objects - moving objects, transients, etc.
Authentication of trusted contributors
Subscription selections - provide probable expected volume
Peer-to-peer versus intermediate broadcasters versus broker services
	query versus subscription
Name resolvers
Express series of events

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