Call for Theory contributions during the Paris Interop

Gerard Lemson glemson1 at
Wed Apr 3 14:07:32 CEST 2019

Hi Carlos
I already presented the port of SimDM to VO-DML in the previous meeting. 
I think we only need to update semantic vocabulary URLs in there. 
If someone (Franck, David?) can send me those I can incorporate them. 
It might be interesting to see if the VO-DML reprenatation of the model can be used to annotate SimDAL VOTables.
If I can be pointed to sample VOTables for SimDAL, I can try to annotate these (possibly using mapping tool).

I'd be happy to present something about SciServer support for theory data.
For example I can mention a bit about recent work in the context of the WFIRST project where external users deployed their synthetic telescope applications (DTIPS, GalSim) in a sciserver compute docker image. As many groups are building such tools (LSST, Euclid), we might inquire with them whether there is a need (desire) for standardization. Anyone remember and ?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: interop-bounces at <interop-bounces at> On Behalf Of
> Carlos Rodrigo
> Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 5:00
> To: IVOA Theory <theory at>; interop at
> Subject: Call for Theory contributions during the Paris Interop
> Dear IVOA members,
> This is a call for contributions to the Theory IG session for the next IVOA Interop
> Meeting in Paris, 13 to 17 May 2019.
> both talks and ideas for discussion are welcome.
> every possible subject related to theory and simulations could be of interest so
> don't hesitate to suggest ideas.
> See you in Paris
> Carlos Rodrigo

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